onsemi has launched its Treo Platform, a new 65 nm BCD process integrates analog and mixed-signal functions operating from 1-90 V at temperatures up to 175° C. The process platform targets power management and sensing applications across automotive, medical, industrial and data center markets. The platform’s modular architecture helps customers streamline design processes and reduce […]
If you’re designing mixed-signal ICs, here are some tools to consider
Mixed-signal ICs are increasingly common in automotive, internet of Things (IoT), medical, industrial, consumer, and other applications. Designing mixed-signal ICs is more complex than simply designing an analog section and a digital section. There’s the interactions and interconnections between the sections, and the need to integrate software into the final solution. That makes designing mixed-signal […]
What do you do with a bucket brigade device?
A bucket brigade device (BBD) is a discrete-time analog delay line using capacitors that has been replaced in most digital signal processing applications. But it continues to be used in some specialty applications such as guitar and audio sound effects and some types of sensors. It consists of a series of capacitance sections where a […]
What’s a logarithmic resistor ladder good for?
A logarithmic resistor ladder consists of a resistor string and switches designed to attenuate a signal. The state of the switches can be considered to represent a digital code proportional to the logarithm of the attenuation ratio. Logarithmic attenuation is useful when a large dynamic range is needed. Audio volume control and fading/balancing audio signals […]
What causes noise in analog designs and how can it be controlled?
Controlling noise in analog and mixed-signal circuits is important but not simple. Data integrity is dependent on controlling noise in the signal chain. If left uncontrolled, noise can impair or disrupt system operation. This FAQ starts by looking at the various sources and types of noise, looks at how noise can enter the signal chain […]
Squash 1/f noise with zero-drift amplifiers
There is a device that squashes all the 1/f voltage and current noise calculations with a chopper amplifier algorithm that corrects offset and drift characteristics. These amplifiers are zero-drift, auto-zero, or choppers that all achieve nanovolt-level offsets and extremely low offset drifts due to time and temperature. But back to our noise discussion, these devices […]
Free-space optical links, Part 1: principles
Free-space optical links provide a reliable, cost-effective, and quick way to link two fixed communication nodes located a few kilometers apart. When engineers think of “optical data links” or “optical communications” they almost invariably think of light (visible or not) in an optical fiber carrying data at high rates for tens or even thousands of […]
What are the applications of 3D and 4D printed electronics?
3D printing is the fabrication of a three-dimensional object under computer control, with one or more materials being added layer by layer. 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is used across various electronics applications, including circuit boards, energy storage devices, actuators, and sensors. It can be implemented using a variety of technologies, including selective laser sintering […]
What is the difference between current feedback and voltage feedback op amps?
Current feedback (CFB) operational amplifiers (op amps) and voltage feedback (VFB) op amps have almost as many similarities as differences. CFBs and VFBs both have inverting and non-inverting inputs, a signal output, inputs for positive and negative voltage supplies and use feedback and gain resistors to stabilize circuit operation and set circuit gain. That can […]
Two-wire, hall effect switches operate over -40 C to 150 C
Diodes Incorporated has announced a family of automotive-compliant, two-wire unipolar (AH323xQ/4xQ) and latch (AH327xQ/8xQ) switch integrated circuits (ICs) that provide high sensitivity and high stability over wide operating voltage and temperature ranges. The ICs are for use in automotive proximity- and position-sensing applications, including seatbelt buckle, power window, gear selector, and seat position. The adoption […]