These two frequencies played major roles in electronics; one is still very viable, while the other is completely obsolete. Engineers are surrounded by countless standard frequencies, many of which are defined by an industry standard. Some are so well-known and commonplace that they need no clarification other than the frequency number itself; others were “celebrities” […]
Thin-film filters for space-constrained and RF applications
KYOCERA AVX has released a new series of miniature high-pass thin-film filters engineered to provide excellent high-frequency performance in a variety of space-constrained microwave and RF applications in the telecommunications, automotive, consumer electronics, and military markets. The new HP Series high-pass thin-film filters are based on proven multilayer integrated thin-film technology that enables the quick […]
How many types of radar are there?
Radio detection and ranging (radar) uses reflected radio waves to detect and determine the distance, angle, and velocity of objects relative to the radar system. A basic radar system consists of a transmitter producing electromagnetic waves in the radio or microwave spectrum (these can be pulsed or continuous), a transmitting antenna, a receiving antenna (often […]
If you are working with antennas, here are some tools to consider, Part 2
Antenna design and integration is an important activity for 5G telephony, wireless Internet of Things (IoT) nodes, Wi-Fi networks, near field and satellite communications, and a range of other applications. Without robust antenna designs and solid system integration, the performance of those applications can be severely compromised. Balancing the needs for efficiency, gain, bandwidth, pattern […]
If you are working with antennas, here are some tools to consider, Part 1
Antenna design and integration is an important activity for 5G telephony, wireless Internet of Things (IoT) nodes, Wi-Fi networks, near-field, and satellite communications, and various other applications. Without robust antenna designs and solid system integration, the performance of those applications can be severely compromised. Balancing the needs for efficiency, gain, bandwidth, pattern characteristics, and decreased […]
SP4T switches boast frequency coverage up to 8 GHz
pSemi Corporation announced its newest SP4T switches featuring industry-leading broadband frequency coverage of up to 8 GHz. The PE42445 high-isolation 3×3 mm package and the PE42446 high-isolation 4×4 mm package switches deliver high linearity and best-in-class isolation performance, essential in 5G base stations. The new PE42445 and PE42446 switches integrate seamlessly into 4G and 5G […]
Free, online tool simplifies configuration of custom LXI RF and microwave switching systems
Pickering Interfaces announced its Microwave Switch Design Tool, a new free online tool for configuring flexible LXI microwave switching products. The dedicated tool will simplify the configuration of custom LXI RF & microwave switching systems, helping bring powerful, flexible microwave design functionality to customers building systems for signal routing applications across 5G, wireless & telecommunications, […]
What causes signal attenuation in a PCB and how can it be controlled?
Except for the most basic designs, system clock rates are inexorably creeping upward across a wide range of applications, from 5G telephony to automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), medical, industrial, and mil/aero systems. As frequencies rise into the GHz range, the need for impedance control to minimize signal attenuation and protect signal integrity gets […]
Miniature reed relays boast low RF losses and low insertion loss
Pickering Electronics has launched a new miniature coaxial reed relays for high-frequency RF systems up to 3GHz. Series 113RF SIL/SIP reed relays feature a 2mm spacing footprint, enabling them to be stacked at very high densities. Series 113RF reed relays are suitable for switching up to 10W, 0.5A. 1 Form A configurations (SPST normally open) are […]
What materials can be used to make miniature antennas?
Many antennas are mechanically simple and electrically complex at the same time. Mechanically an antenna usually has only one or two components, a dielectric layer (which can be the entire antenna) and a conductive layer. This FAQ begins with a brief review of dielectric materials and their importance to antenna performance. It then explores developments […]