Silicon Labs has introduced a family of isolated analog amplifiers, voltage sensors and delta-sigma modulator (DSM) devices designed to provide accurate current and voltage measurement with very low drift across temperature. Based on Silicon Labs’ robust, third-generation isolation technology, the new Si89xx family provides flexible voltage, current, output and package options to help developers reduce BOM […]
PCIe Gen 4-compliant clock buffers powered from single 1.5 V/1.8 V supplies
Silicon Labs has introduced a new family of low-power PCI Express (PCIe) Gen 1/2/3/4 clock buffers that provide ultra-low jitter clock distribution in 1.5 V and 1.8 V applications. With additive jitter performance of 40 fs RMS (typical), Silicon Labs’ new Si532xx PCIe clock buffers provide more than 90 percent margin to stringent PCIe Gen 3 […]