Linear Systems has announced the re-release of its LSK489 discrete component with specialized parameter grading.
The component’s benefits include A common mode rejection ratio over 100dB; Tight differential voltage match versus current; Improved op amp speed settling time accuracy; Minimum input error trimming error voltage; and Lower intermodulation distortion due to low input capacitance. A detailed Datasheet and Application Note are available.
With a unique combination of low noise and low input capacitance, the LSK489 enables highly capable front-end amplification for high-end applications, such as the Rubin Observatory. The part was selected by designers of the Rubin Observatory/Large-Scale Synoptic Telescope astronomical observatory, currently under construction in Chile, for its superior overall performance and high reliability. The images recorded by the observatory’s 3.2-gigapixel CCD imaging camera, the largest digital camera ever constructed, flow through 2,000 LSK489s comprising the project’s initial amplification circuit.
Linear Systems specializes in the development and manufacture of precision, ultra-low-noise small-signal discrete components. Its parts, such as the LSK389 and LSK489, are used in highly demanding sensor systems ranging from ribbon microphones to piezoelectric devices to sonobuoys. These parts also provide the front-end amplification for high-end tests and measurements and medical and audio equipment.