These two frequencies played major roles in electronics; one is still very viable, while the other is completely obsolete. Engineers are surrounded by countless standard frequencies, many of which are defined by an industry standard. Some are so well-known and commonplace that they need no clarification other than the frequency number itself; others were “celebrities” […]
Amplifiers support high-speed data communications in defense and aerospace
Qorvo has announced three new MMIC power amplifiers specifically designed for Ku-Band satellite communications (SATCOM) terminals. These amplifiers are part of a family of devices aimed at enhancing performance and efficiency in satellite uplink systems, supporting the increasing demand for high-speed data communications in defense and aerospace applications. The amplifier family offers output power ranging […]
Eco-friendly radio wave absorbers manufactured with biomass material
TDK Corporation has launched the IS-BP series of radio wave absorbers, incorporating over 25 wt% of biomass material to offer an environmentally sustainable option that facilitates CO₂ reduction. Mass production of this series began in April 2024. Microwave anechoic chambers, used for evaluating antennas, wireless communication equipment, and millimeter-wave radar for AD and ADAS, have […]
Microwave multiplexer family offers versatile RF/microwave switching
Pickering Interfaces has announced a new family of high channel count PXI and PXIe microwave multiplexer (MUX) modules. Expanding Pickering’s range of RF and microwave switching, the 40/42-788 family is based on industry-leading, superior-quality Radiall mechanical microwave switches, with bandwidth options from 8GHz to 40GHz. Versatile switching configurations are available with single or dual SP8T, SP10T, or […]
High-power RF switch targets land mobile radio and defense applications
Mobix Labs, Inc. introduced the MBX3110 SP10T high-power radio frequency (RF) switch. This CMOS-based single-pole/ten-throw (SP10T) switch is engineered to meet the demanding requirements of the land mobile radio (LMR) market, including critical communications for first responders, firefighters, law enforcement, and military personnel. The high-power MBX3110 RF switch provides robust support for LMR applications and […]
Analog and digital capabilities integrated into low-power transceiver
Arctic Semiconductor unveiled SilverWings. Representing a breakthrough in the industry, SilverWings is the first-ever 4×4 low-power transceiver offering multi-stage up and down conversion from digital to RF and RF to digital, empowering programmable and adaptable system designs. Leveraging Arctic’s renowned low-power architecture, SilverWings seamlessly integrates high-performance analog capabilities with high-bandwidth digital features, incorporating unique Digital-IF and High-IF […]
Thin-film filters for space-constrained and RF applications
KYOCERA AVX has released a new series of miniature high-pass thin-film filters engineered to provide excellent high-frequency performance in a variety of space-constrained microwave and RF applications in the telecommunications, automotive, consumer electronics, and military markets. The new HP Series high-pass thin-film filters are based on proven multilayer integrated thin-film technology that enables the quick […]
Free, online tool simplifies configuration of custom LXI RF and microwave switching systems
Pickering Interfaces announced its Microwave Switch Design Tool, a new free online tool for configuring flexible LXI microwave switching products. The dedicated tool will simplify the configuration of custom LXI RF & microwave switching systems, helping bring powerful, flexible microwave design functionality to customers building systems for signal routing applications across 5G, wireless & telecommunications, […]
Clock oscillator achieves 0.2 ppm frequency tolerance
Depending on temperature range, the SiT7910 Super TCXO from SiTime can attain frequency stability of less than 0.1 ppm. Clock oscillator circuits serve two functions. They provide a clock timing signal for digital circuits such as microprocessors and they keep track of time, often for time-stamping of events. While oscillators for digital circuits typically produce […]
Common mode filter for automotive Ethernet reduces line-to-line capacitance
TDK Corporation has announced the introduction of its new ACT1210E Series (3.2 x 2.5 x 2.5 mm (L x W x H)) of common mode filter for automotive Ethernet 10BASE-T1S. Mass production of this new common-mode filter began in February 2023. This product is the industry’s first common mode filter for automotive Ethernet 10BASE-T1S. Adopting […]