Formal verification uses mathematical analysis to ensure semiconductor designs perform as intended. Typically automated, it efficiently identifies critical design errors, such as deadlocks, race conditions, and unreachable states. This article reviews the fundamentals of formal verification in semiconductor design, explores its integration with simulation for comprehensive validation, and highlights strategies for optimizing implementation. Defining formal […]
Empowering innovation: OpenROAD and the future of open-source EDA
Many electronic design automation (EDA) tools remain out of reach for semiconductor startups and research organizations. However, a growing number of open-source EDA solutions are bridging the affordability gap and democratizing advanced chip design. This article discusses how tools like OpenROAD and OpenLane lower entry barriers, reduce development costs, and drive innovation. It also explores how […]
How hardware-assisted verification (HAV) transforms EDA workflows
Many semiconductor companies rely on hardware-assisted verification (HAV) to optimize sophisticated monolithic system-on-chip (SoC) designs and chiplet architectures. HAV streamlines verification and validation by integrating emulation, field-programmable gate array (FPGA) prototyping, and virtual platforms. This approach enables design engineers to efficiently verify individual components and system-wide interactions while validating functionality at granular and system-wide levels. […]
Parasitic extraction in EDA: what it is and why it matters
Parasitic extraction (PEX) in electronic design automation (EDA) calculates parasitic effects — such as capacitances, resistances, and inductance — within integrated circuits (ICs). Parasitics are introduced during the physical manufacturing process in semiconductor foundries, affecting both IC devices and their interconnects (Figure 1). This article explores the three primary categories of parasitic effects, compares field […]
What are the different types of AI accelerators?
Whether in data centers or at the edge, artificial intelligence (AI) accelerators address the limitations of traditional von Neumann architecture by rapidly processing massive datasets. Despite the gradual slowing of Moore’s law, these accelerators efficiently enable key applications such as generative AI (GenAI), deep reinforcement learning (DRL), advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), smart edge devices, […]
What is the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) in RF systems?
Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is a fundamental parameter that measures the efficiency of radio frequency (RF) power transmission from a source through a transmission line to a load. A simple way to measure VSWR is to find the highest to lowest voltage ratio in a standing wave created on a transmission line due to […]
How do generative AI, deep reinforcement learning, and large language models optimize EDA?
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are playing an increasingly crucial role in optimizing electronic design automation (EDA) across the semiconductor industry. This article explores the rising complexity and costs of designing chips at advanced nodes. It highlights how generative AI (GenAI) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL) help semiconductor companies accelerate time to market […]
How do directed energy weapons work?
Directed energy weapons (DEWs) use electromagnetic (EM) energy, such as high-energy lasers (HELs), high-powered microwaves (HPMs), or high-power millimeter waves (HPMMs), to degrade or destroy targets. Sometimes, sound waves are included in the DEW category. This article focuses on EM DEWs. EM DEWs have several advantages compared with traditional munitions, including: Speed: EM energy travels […]
Achieving isolation in an isolation amplifier
Isolation amplifiers create a galvanic isolation barrier between input and output circuits to protect sensitive equipment and personnel from high voltages. Such isolation can be optical, capacitive, or inductive in an isolation amplifier. This FAQ will help us understand how each isolation type works and how they differ. How do optical isolation amplifiers work? Optical […]
What are the different encoding techniques used for chipless RFID tags?
Encoding refers to converting a message into a different transmission, storage, or processing form. Chipless RFID lacks specialized ASICs to lower costs and use time and frequency domain systems for encoding. Hybrid encoding combines time and frequency domain systems for custom encoding options. A chipless RFID system is a radio frequency identification technology that does […]