These two frequencies played major roles in electronics; one is still very viable, while the other is completely obsolete. Engineers are surrounded by countless standard frequencies, many of which are defined by an industry standard. Some are so well-known and commonplace that they need no clarification other than the frequency number itself; others were “celebrities” […]
Eco-friendly radio wave absorbers manufactured with biomass material
TDK Corporation has launched the IS-BP series of radio wave absorbers, incorporating over 25 wt% of biomass material to offer an environmentally sustainable option that facilitates CO₂ reduction. Mass production of this series began in April 2024. Microwave anechoic chambers, used for evaluating antennas, wireless communication equipment, and millimeter-wave radar for AD and ADAS, have […]
Active baluns bridge the microwave and digital worlds
To achieve the datasheet performance of ultra-high-speed data converters, now clocking to 64 GS/sec, the handoff to and from the microwave domain must be near perfect. To preserve the data converters’ spurious-free dynamic range, a new category of component has been developed that converts between the differential and single-ended signal domains while amplifying and filtering […]
Analog and digital capabilities integrated into low-power transceiver
Arctic Semiconductor unveiled SilverWings. Representing a breakthrough in the industry, SilverWings is the first-ever 4×4 low-power transceiver offering multi-stage up and down conversion from digital to RF and RF to digital, empowering programmable and adaptable system designs. Leveraging Arctic’s renowned low-power architecture, SilverWings seamlessly integrates high-performance analog capabilities with high-bandwidth digital features, incorporating unique Digital-IF and High-IF […]
IoT front end module designed in adherence to Thread and Matter
pSemi Corporation announced the introduction of their smallest PA-LNA-SW Internet of Things (IoT) front-end module (FEM): the PE562212. Designed in adherence to the Thread and Matter protocols, industry frameworks that focus on simplifying connected experiences, PE562212 is an ultra-compact multi-protocol 2.4 GHz FEM that enables a variety of connectivity options for IoT devices. With a […]
How many types of radar are there?
Radio detection and ranging (radar) uses reflected radio waves to detect and determine the distance, angle, and velocity of objects relative to the radar system. A basic radar system consists of a transmitter producing electromagnetic waves in the radio or microwave spectrum (these can be pulsed or continuous), a transmitting antenna, a receiving antenna (often […]
If you are working with antennas, here are some tools to consider, Part 2
Antenna design and integration is an important activity for 5G telephony, wireless Internet of Things (IoT) nodes, Wi-Fi networks, near field and satellite communications, and a range of other applications. Without robust antenna designs and solid system integration, the performance of those applications can be severely compromised. Balancing the needs for efficiency, gain, bandwidth, pattern […]
If you are working with antennas, here are some tools to consider, Part 1
Antenna design and integration is an important activity for 5G telephony, wireless Internet of Things (IoT) nodes, Wi-Fi networks, near-field, and satellite communications, and various other applications. Without robust antenna designs and solid system integration, the performance of those applications can be severely compromised. Balancing the needs for efficiency, gain, bandwidth, pattern characteristics, and decreased […]
Instrumentation amps measure small voltages in EVs
Diodes Incorporated introduces a series of high-precision current shunt monitors designed to measure small sense voltages across a wide common-mode voltage range in electric vehicles (EVs): the ZXCT21xQ family. Automotive applications for these single-stage instrumentation amplifiers include current sensing of load/rail currents in brushless DC (BLDC) motor controllers, e-compressors, high-power DC-DC converters, on-board chargers (OBC), battery […]
SP4T switches boast frequency coverage up to 8 GHz
pSemi Corporation announced its newest SP4T switches featuring industry-leading broadband frequency coverage of up to 8 GHz. The PE42445 high-isolation 3×3 mm package and the PE42446 high-isolation 4×4 mm package switches deliver high linearity and best-in-class isolation performance, essential in 5G base stations. The new PE42445 and PE42446 switches integrate seamlessly into 4G and 5G […]