High-reliability chip resistors can be more difficult to find and even more so when there are pulse handling requirements. Typically, the manufacturing process for thick film chip resistors allows for variation in the calibration trim, leading to variation in pulse handling performance. Stackpole’s recently released RPCA series addresses all these needs. The RPCA has limited to […]
Wearable antennas target UWB frequencies
Antennaware Ltd, a company that specializes in solving the body-blocking problems normally associated with close-range RF designs, has launched a new addition to its Bodywave antenna range that specifically targets the Ultra Wide Band(UWB) radio market. Ideally suited to the IoT, wearable, sports, professional, and consumer electronics markets, Antennaware’s robust UWB Bodywave elevates wearable performance […]
High-power amps cover VHF, UHF, L, S, C, X and Ku bands
Fairview Microwave has broadened its line of high-power amplifiers designed for multiple market applications in VHF, UHF, L, S, C, X and Ku bands. This innovative line of broadband high-power amplifiers includes mainly GaN and some LDMOS semiconductor designs with detailed datasheets. GaN performance benefits are the most desirable for broadband applications and exhibit high efficiency in […]
MEMS mics optimized for active noise cancelation apps
CUI Devices’ Audio Group today announced the addition of two MEMS microphone models designed for active noise cancellation. The CMM-2718AB-3815NC-TR and CMM-2718AT-3817NC-TR are analog MEMS microphones featuring omnidirectional directivity and bottom or top port locations, respectively. Thanks to their flat frequency response from 20 to 10,000 Hz, high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) of 62 or 64 dBA, and high acoustic overload points (AOP) of […]
Multifunction GaAs pHEMTs target 100-GHz apps
WIN Semiconductors Corp. has released its newest 0.1µm pHEMT technology: PP10-20. Building on the proven PP10 platform, this second-generation technology offers a substantial transistor gain, improving the ƒt/ƒmax to 160GHz and 240 GHz. These improvements maintain the reliable 4V operation necessary for backhaul power amplifiers and high linearity receivers operating from W-band through D-band. Targeting […]
Automotive-grade three-terminal MLCC provides 4.3 µF in a 0402-in size.
Murata today announced it has set a new capacitor performance benchmark with the introduction of its NFM15HC435D0E3. The product is the world’s first automotive-grade three-terminal multi-layer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) to provide a capacitance of 4.3 µF in a 0402-inch (1.0 × 0.5 mm) size. It also delivers superior power decoupling and noise removal, which are […]
Cryptography tool protects products and integrates with 1-Wire
Analog Devices, Inc. introduced the DS28E30 1-Wire ECDSA Secure Authenticator, a cost-effective solution to detect and help protect products from counterfeiting or misuse. Combining a fixed-function cryptographic toolbox based on the industry-standard FIPS 186 elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA), secure storage of keys and application data, and the single-contact 1-Wire interface, the device easily […]
Common-mode filters boast 10.7 GHz bandwidth
New common-mode filters from STMicroelectronics have an extremely wide differential bandwidth of 10.7GHz to protect antenna sensitivity in adjacent wireless circuitry from the latest serial digital interfaces. The 2-channel ECMF2-40A100N10 and 4-channel ECMF4-40A100N10 are compatible with high-speed interface standards including USB 3.2 Gen 2, USB4, HDMI 2.1, and DisplayPort. With their low serial resistance of just 3Ω, which […]
Ka-band phased-array satellite antenna meets CS25 and CS27 needs
ThinKom Solutions, Inc. unveiled a new Ka-band phased-array satellite antenna for communications-on-the-move (COTM) applications. The new ThinSat Ka500, based on ThinKom’s proven VICTS technology, is a “turnkey” terminal that enables the user to easily and quickly connect to the network of their choice, such as the existing and new Ka-band networks being deployed using satellites in geostationary […]
4D digital imaging radar-on-chip improves sensing critical for safety in ADAS
Uhnder will soon become the first company to mass produce a fully automotive qualified, 4D digital imaging radar-on-chip that will transform our roadways, making possible next-generation ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems), autonomous vehicles (AVs), and automated mobility applications. “Uhnder’s 4D digital imaging radar-on-chip is a next-generation product that demonstrates new ways to advance automotive safety to […]